
As a fourth-year computer engineering student, I've had the chance to explore a wide range of technical subjects, including artificial intelligence and data science. These fields have consistently piqued my interest and motivated me to enhance my skills and knowledge continually. I'm particularly intrigued by the potential of artificial intelligence to bring about transformative changes across various domains. Whether it's analyzing large datasets for informed decision-making or creating intelligent assistants to improve various aspects of daily life, the possibilities for AI are extensive and captivating.

Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program.

-Linus Torvalds

Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists.. it is real.. it is possible.. it's yours.

-Ayn Rand


Python 80%
HTML 100%
CSS 80%
JavaScript 75%
C 60%
C++ 70%



Salih Enes Metin

As a third-year computer engineering student, I have had the opportunity to delve into a variety of technical subjects, including artificial intelligence and data science. These fields have consistently captivated my attention and spurred my desire to continuously improve my skills and understanding. In particular, I am deeply interested in exploring the potential for artificial intelligence to revolutionize healthcare. From analyzing large datasets to support medical decision making, to developing intelligent assistants that can assist with patient care, the possibilities for AI in healthcare are vast and exciting.

  • Ankara, Türkiye
  • metin.salihenes@gmail.com


Computer engineering

2019 - 2024

Cukurova Univesity, Adana, Türkiye

While studying at university, I joined several clubs, including the Community Volunteers Club, where I volunteered to help others, and engineering and team collaboration-focused clubs like IEEE. Additionally, I took on the role of Project Team Lead for a community established at school under the Huawei Student Developers program. For this community, I created a software entry training program for around 40-45 students and later helped them form teams to participate in competitions or projects. Moreover, I formed a team with two friends called Spica Ai. The team's goals were to develop original projects, pioneer works in artificial intelligence, focus on health applications in AI, and participate in competitions. With this team, we advanced to the final round of a Technofest competition and completed numerous projects.


Introduction to Deep Learning with Keras


Introduction to Machine Learning

Global AI Hub

Data Visualization

Global AI Hub

Data Analysis

Global AI Hub

Introduction to Data Science with R



Start Up Weekend for all



In this event, held under the United Nations Development Programme, I had 48 hours to come up with an idea and form my own team. Afterwards, I developed this idea with my team. I discussed this idea with mentors and eventually made a presentation to impress the jury and gain support. It was a very useful and enjoyable experience for me.

METU VTOL Competition



As the SEAGUL team, we successfully passed the conceptual design report of the first stage in the METU VTOL 2022 competition, which was held for the sixth time under the sponsorship of Boeing, 27 teams from 15 different universities from 3 different countries were accepted to the competition and moved on to the next stage.


Computer Vision-based Disease Detection for the Abdominal Region

An application has been developed using CT series of the abdomen, both with and without contrast, for six different clinical conditions that resulted in emergency department admissions with complaints of abdominal pain. These data were used to train an original model combining YOLO and ResNet for the desired classification predictions. Read More

BIRADS Category and Breast Composition Prediction in Screening Mammography with Computed Vision

In this project, a model based on ResNet pre-trained on TUSEB's mammography data was developed to perform BRADS category and composition classification Read More

Cukurova University CENG Q&A BOT

In this project, a question answering bot based on the word2vec model trained with the QA data set was developed for the computer engineering department of Çukurova University. The data set was divided into categories and a separate model was developed for each category.Read More

My Blog Posts

Favorite Coding Songs

My AI-generated Images


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